We are part of nature
I breathe a sigh of relief. I can feel signs of spring, the first crocuses are blooming purple in the garden, blackbirds are singing and the days are growing longer. A feeling of hope spreads inside me - it calms me a lot to see how nature follows its rhythm unswervingly, smiles at us and invites me to join it.
Nature reflects life in its wholeness, connectedness and uncompromisingness. In Hawaiian culture, we see ourselves as part of nature and its processes. In Lomilomi massage we represent the healing power of nature through touch, in hula dance through movement, and in chanting through voice and breathing.
The expressions of the Hawaiian Healing Arts - their depth, intensity of touch, manner of touch, and rhythm - correspond with the expressions of water, fire, air, earth, stars, sun, and lava - in a wide range of variations and intensities. The essence of nature is personalized.
At AlohaSpirit in Meilen or Zurich near the main station, you can experience these Healing Arts and thereby draw strength, find your balance and recognize new perspectives.
E komo mai!
Welcome to AlohaSpirit!