Lomilomi Hapai

Lomilomi Hapai is for pregnant women. Primarily, pregnancy is a sign of happiness and anticipation of new life. However, it is often accompanied by physical side effects. Soothing Lomilomi Hapai therapy supports this process.

Duration / costs:

Costs: CHF 200.-
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
(including pre- and post-consultation)

Lomilomi Hapai cares for mother and child equally and is pleasant for both. The muscles and ligaments are massaged gently but effectively, involving the bones and joints – the source of our strength according to Hawaiian beliefs. Through the massage, symptoms of fatigue - a common side effect of pregnancy - can be reduced and tissue swelling (edema) can be eliminated.

AlohaSpirit is one of the few providers that offers pregnant women in Switzerland the possibility to receive a competent and professional massage until shortly before birth.

Depending on your health insurance, it is possible to be reimbursed for the costs of the massage.

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