AlohaSpirit - our code of ethics

The values that are listed below are applied, communicated and spread in our daily work at AlohaSpirit - in dealing with our clientele, with our students as well as with our environment. Whether in a massage (Lomilomi), dance (Hula), language ('Olelo Hawai'i) or philosophy of life (Ho'oponopono): ALOHA is always at the core.

A = ʻAKAHAI = Gentleness & Perseverance

L = LŌKAHI = Unity & Relationship

O = ʻOIAʻIʻO = Truth (in relation to oneself)

H = HAʻAHAʻA = Humbleness

A = AHONUI = Patience

'O ke aloha ka mea i ho'ōla ai
It is ALOHA that brings life and health.

Partners & Cooperations

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