Counseling: Living my life...
Our body changes our mind...
...and our mind changes our behavior...
...and our behavior changes the outcome.Amy Cuddy, Ph.D., social psychologist and lecturer at Harvard Business School
My intensive study of Hawai'i's philosophy of life has taught me above all that body, the psyche and consciousness are one - just as our home cannot be considered separate from the earth or separate from the universe; just as a plant cannot grow without soil, light and water. Everything belongs together, everything is connected.
Through this realization, I have started to complement my know-how in the field of body therapies with therapeutic knowledge for mind and consciousness. The focus lies on two techniques for the active self-creation of our lives.
Living life and not being lived by life
One approach is based on the Hawaiian philosophy of life, Ho'oponopono. The term Ho'oponopono stems from the word Pono, roughly meaning "righteousness". The doubling emphasizes the importance of the subject. The goal of Ho'oponopono is to do the "right thing", that is, to find the solution that brings well-being to all involved.
Ho'oponopono is complemented by Self-Ho'oponopono. Here, the focus is not on the common good, but on one's own self. With Self-Ho'oponopono we ensure that we are the architect of our existence - and thus not externally determined.
I have been involved with Ho'oponopono and Self-Ho'oponopono for over twenty years; I am regularly taught by my Hawaiian teacher Kumu Keala Ching.
Further, in 2015, I completed a 4-year training in formative psychology. As a psychosocial counselor, I am a member of the SVfB. This body-mind approach can be seen as the western counterpart to Self-Ho'oponopono and an equally simple and efficient means to successfully transform one's "being-in-the-world" based on one's own body. In other words: Every human being has his or her own way of going through life. This way is reflected in our bodily expression. Formative psychology makes it possible to first understand this bodily expression and then learn to change it - with the result that we can take a new stance in the world.
If you would like to learn more, I look forward to hearing from you. Consultations can be booked individually or in combination with Lomilomi therapy.
Noëlle Delaquis, Director of AlohaSpirit
1 hour consultation in formative psychology: CHF 150.-
1 hour consultation in formative psychology and 1,5 hours Lomilomi massage: CHF 330.-