
What exactly is a ritual?
It's an icy cold day at the beginning of January. I have just returned from the lake, fulfilled and empowered, where I welcomed in the New Year with the dancers from my hula school - not just in any way, but with a Hiʻuwai ritual.

«The power of inner disarmament»
I recently had the pleasure of attending the premiere of the film «Wisdom of Happiness» about His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. The film will be shown in cinemas from December 3rd. I owe this special invitation to the wonderful fact that I was able to play a small part in the …

Today I'm writing to you for a completely different reason than usual.
The reason is as simple as it is important: I want to express my gratitude to you! Thank you for being so loyal to our school and practice. Thank you for your enthusiasm for our visions and activities.

It's that time again! June is approaching and with it the visit of Kumu Keala Ching.
For the 21st time, we welcome Kumu, our unique advisor and teacher from Hawai'i, at the Hale AlohaSpirit. A true blessing and a great honor!

Where does strength come from?
I am often asked where I get the strength and stamina to make my thoughts, visions, and projects a reality. Especially, in a world of destruction and wars, full of misery and endless pain, with all these Köppels, Trumps and Putins.
How can I - what’s more, how can we all - still …

Fake News - Recognizing and Avoiding It
Facebook, Instagram & Co. are fascinating sources of information. Whether regarding health, politics, or Hawai'i - all news can be found there. Nonetheless, they are also a source of misinformation. How can we deal with that?

The time has come!
A new era has begun at AlohaSpirit. We have closed our hale in Meilen and are opening a new training center and Lomilomi practice in Zurich Seefeld on November 1st, 2023. However, not only is AlohaSpirit moving; we are also introducing several innovations - for example, Lomilomi …

AlohaSpirit - NEW in Seefeld, Zurich
Decisions are like fruit. They take time to ripen, they require patience. I didn't realize that for a long time. After it became clear that I would have to leave my previous Hale - after 16 years of happiness - I started looking for a new home for AlohaSpirit. Looking at a …
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