Workshop with Kumu Keala Ching on Hawai'i language and Hawaiian values.
Module 5 / Hawai'i language and values
The people of Hawai'i call their language 'Olelo Hawai'i. Hawaiian is exclusively spoken in Hawai'i but is related to other languages in the Polynesian region. Hawaiian consists of only five vowels (a, e, i, o, u), seven consonants (h, k, l, m, n, p, w), and a glottal stop sound called 'okina.
After being banned from everyday life on the islands by American missionaries in the 19th century, Hawaiian has been experiencing a renaissance since 1970. Through it, we not only learn about the people and culture but also about Hawai'i's way of thinking and values.

At our workshop, Kumu Keala Ching - Hawaiian musician, hula teacher, expert in Hawaiian culture and spiritual advisor - will explain the basic features of the Hawaiian language, as well as the unique philosophy of life and the basis of Hawai'i's ethics. This includes the widely known "Aloha", a synonym of love, peace, compassion and being in harmony with people, nature and the universe. Hence, much more than a word, a way of life...
- Course content:
Language Theory, Chants, Hawaiian Values - Language:
English, with German/Italian translation if needed. - Food:
Lunch will be eaten together. Everyone brings a vegetarian dish, which will be integrated into a large buffet. This is the Hawaiian Style! - Location:
Kantonale Maturitätschule für Erwachsene (KME), Zurich
Latest Workshops
Module 5 / Hawaiian Language and Values with Kumu Keala Ching
CHF 490.–
All are welcome.
Workshop with Kumu Keala Ching on Hawai'i's language and Hawaiian values.
Ho'onui 'ike - Increase the knowledge!